
Advertising with the BSCB


Single Ad

    • Full back cover £600
    • Inside front cover, £450 colour, black and white £300
    • Full inside page, black and white only £240
    • 1/2 Inside page, black and white only £120
    • 1/4 Inside page, black and white only £60
    • Inclusion of a flyer (A5) costs £175 (plus 1300 copies of the advert supplied at least one month prior to printing).

Advertisements supplied as JPG, TIF or PSD at 300dpi, or as PDF (with fonts embedded). Page size A4: 210x297mm.

Advertising a scientific or educational meeting is free if it is not-for-profit. Commercial conferences can be advertised on the website subject to a negotiated fee.

Website: £500 for 6 months – for box ad on side pane.

If you are interested please contact the Sponsorship Secretary