Royal Society Publishing has recently published a special issue of Interface Focus entitled: Carbon dioxide detection in biological systems organised by Victoria L Linthwaite, Eoin Cummins, and Martin J Cann The articles can be accessed at: There is a blog post about the endeavour which can be accessed at:
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Recent publications from Royal Society Publishing
Image and Science Writing competitions 2021
Image and Science Writing competitions for 2021 are now open! This year we have extended the deadlines to 30th June 2021, with prizes being announced at Cell La Vie 2021 For competition details visit the relevant web pages: Image competition Science Writing competition -or- contact the Web and Social Media Officer
BSCB COVID assistance fund
The BSCB is concerned about the additional pressures the current and ongoing COVID restrictions are placing on those with caring responsibilities. We are therefore pleased to announce a new initiative to provide financial support for those in this situation. We are offering two rounds of one-off grants of £200 to support the cost of extra […]
BSCB Image Competition Winners 2020
We are delighted to announce the winners of our annual Image Competition. A little disappointed to have to do so online rather than in person at our annual meeting, but the images are just as beautiful nonetheless. Details of the winning images can be found here and of the winners themselves here. Congratulations to all […]
BSCB Science Writing Prize 2020 Winner Announced
We are delighted to announce that the winner of the 2020 Science Writing Prize is Alexandra Bisia, a PhD student at the University of Oxford. You can read her winning entry, titled “One for all, all for one, or – what does it take to be multicellular?‘ here. Our judge this year, scientist and author […]
NEW AWARD! BSCB Postdoctoral Researcher Medal
We are delighted to launch a new BSCB award to recognise early career researchers who have made a major contribution to UK/Ireland Cell Biology during their postdoctoral training. This award was instigated by the BSCB postdoc representative, Gautam Dey, in collaboration with the BSCB committee. As well as scientific excellence the committee will consider the […]
BSCB COVID-19 Initiative: Funding for Virtual Conferences and Seminar Series
As a result of the current situation leading to the cancellation of many scientific meetings, we at the BSCB would like to invite our members to apply for financial support for virtual meetings or virtual seminar series. The virtual meetings can be either a one-off event running over one or more days or can be a […]
NEW: BSCB PhD Award – Raff Medal
We are delighted to launch a new BSCB award, The Raff Medal. The medal was developed to recognise BSCB PhD students who have made outstanding contributions to UK/Ireland cell biology. The medal was developed by our own BSCB PhD rep Joyce Yu and was unanimously approved in our autumn 2019 committee meeting. Martin Raff was […]
COVID-19: important update on BSCB summer studentships
The deadline for the BSCB Summer Studentship applications for Summer 2020 has been extended until 30 April 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All applications now need to have additional and specific information as follows: If it is not possible to carry out a wet lab project due to extended lab closures, an alternative […]
BSCB Writing Prize Extended Deadline: 31st March
We have extended the entry deadline for the BSCB Science Writing Prize until 31st March 2020, so if you thought about entering and ran out of time, you have another chance at a £500 cash prize! Details below. Science Writing Prize The science writing prize is open to student and postdoctoral members only. More information […]