Funded Summer Studentships

Summer Studentships Funded 2024

Bowen Zou Elisabeth Ehler, Kings College London Arrhythmia in a dish – a model system for failing cardiomyocytes?
Katie Elliot Gordon Strathdee, Newcastle University Assessment of potential novel functional genes identified in medulloblastoma and neuroblastoma in cancer cell lines
Naoto Sakurai Robert Insall, University College London Visualising and Measuring Dendritic Cell Chemotaxis to 7α,25-dihydroxycholestero
Erin Shelton Jeremy Simpson, University College Dublin A live cell microscopy approach to decipher the role of the cytoskeleton in the mechanisms of Rab6-dependent membrane transport
Pippa Budgell James Wakefield, University of Exeter Using CRISPR and the waxmoth, Galleria mellonella, to understand the cellular basis of phagocytosis
Fatima Naveed Sonia Rocha, University of Liverpool Investigating chromatin regulation in hypoxia
Evie Argent Alistair Hume, University of Nottingham Investigating the role of Rab GTPases in paediatric brain cancer medulloblastoma
James King Aziz Akoobaker, University of Oxford Investigating the expression and function of an ortholog of human 2-aminoethanethiol dioxygenase and its substrates during whole-body regeneration in a model planarian
Stephanie Suanders Adam Grieve, University of Bristol Identifying Neuronal Substrates for Rhomboid Intramembrane Proteases
Daniel Harrison Heike Laman, University of Cambridge Protein homeostasis in neuronal function and integrity
Radasa  Sathienkit Michael Duchen, University College London Links between impaired mitophagy and activation of the innate inflammatory pathway


Summer Studentships Funded 2023

Eugenia Barros Laura Machesky, University of Cambridge Macropinocytosis fueling tumour growth and invasion
Luna Nordenstrom Sebastian Timmler, University of Cambridge Studying neuron-specific myelin patterns using light microscopy
Deborah Martinuzzi Pier Paolo D’Avino, University of Cambridge Analysis of the Dynamics and Roles of Protein Phosphatase 1 β Catalytic Subunit During Mitosis Using the Auxin-Inducible Degron System and Time-Lapse Imaging
Isabelle Heys David Elliott, Newcastle University How do hormones regulate the epithelial splicing protein ESRP1 in breast cancer cells?
Anna Ivanova Paul Jarvis, University of Oxford Enhancing photosynthesis by fine tuning the chloroplast protein import machinery
Chai Plaza Stuart Jenkins, Keele University Tuning biophysical stimuli for “electroimplants” to optimise neural stem cell regenerative responses for neurological repair
Molly Green Helen Weavers, University of Bristol Exploring the Cellular Mechanisms Driving Tissue Repair Using in Vivo Drosophila Models
Nimrah Javaid Dhanya Cheerambathur, University of Edinburgh Elucidating the mechanism of action of kinetochore protein KNL-1 in dendrite branching.
Nial O’Reilly Elaine Dunleavy, University of Galway Investigating centromere dynamics during spermiogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster males.
Sarah Bristow Martin Lowe, University of Manchester Exploring the diversity of cargo traffic in the secretory pathway
Gabriela Marinescu Harry Mellor, University of Bristol The polarized transport of fatty acids across the endothelium
Matthew Gray Andrew Fielding, Lancaster University Understanding the role of the centrosome clustering protein KIFC1 in cancer and normal cells: integrated analysis of mitosis, cell cycle, migration and survival.
Joel Makopa Malungu James Pritchett, Manchester Metropolitan University Investigating PDLIM protein function in hepatic stellate cells

Summer Studentships Funded 2022

Courtney  Townend Joe CostelloUniversity of Exeter Are all VAPs equal? A study on the ALS-linked mutations of VAP proteins
Isobel Diaz Michael Clague, University of Liverpool Investigating the interplay between USP9X and the turnover of centriolar satellites
Rhiannon Hughes Girish Ram Mali, University of Bristol Cellular studies on Shulin/DNAAF9 – a novel dynein assembly factor
Ameena Naji Michelle Peckham, University of Leeds Structure and regulation of Myosin 10: a filopodial motor protein
Sneha Sara Binu Helen Foster, University of Hertfordshire Therapy induced senescence in liquid biopsies.  Could markers of senescence be used to predict chemo-resistance and cancer re-emergence?
Georgia Boothe Katrin Deinhardt, University of Southampton Investigating mechanisms of synaptic protein homoestasis – what ubiquitinates SNAP-25?
Danielle Harte Jeremy Simpson, University College Dublin Systematic high-content survey of Rab GTPase function in a 3D spheroid model
India Oxley Elizabeth Smythe, University of Sheffield Investigation of Fbxw10, a novel regulator of macropinocytosis
Phineas Smith Bernadette Carroll, University of Bristol Exploring the role of mTORC1 signalling in Purkinje cell development
Ece Urani Giampietro Schiavo, University College London Investigation of the function of a new genetic network connecting risk for Alzheimer’s disease and severe COVID-19 in human myeloid cells
Lizzie Ruddell Martin Goldberg, Durham University Novel approaches to stiffen nuclei to prevent cell invasion
Joel Baby Alice Pollitt, University of Reading Investigating the fate of receptor-ligand interactions at the platelet synapse

Summer Studentships Funded 2021


Sakina Amin

Mark Morgan, University of Liverpool

Targeting metastasis: The role of Integrin-HER2 crosstalk in breast cancer brain metastases

Dai Nakamura

Anthony Roberts, Birkbeck, University of London

Purification of mammalian intraflagellar transport complexes

Kathryn Brooks

Jordan Raff, University of Oxford

Analysis of centrosome growth dynamics

Menan Loganathan

Ewa Paluch, University of Cambridge

Biochemical and biophysical characterisation of the migration of mammalian primordial germ cells

Samuel Skoda

Kristina Kirschner, University of Glasgow

Examining DNA methylation dynamics throughout human lifetime by constructing an old-age epigenetic clock

Abigail Smith

Frances Brodsky, University College London

Investigating GLUT4 trafficking pathway regulation by the clathrin variant CHC22 in HeLa and human muscle cells

Ilona Willson

Jason King, University of Sheffield

Picking apart PIKfyve: Dissecting how the PIKfyve Protein Regulates Phagosome Maturation

Molly Martin

Jonathon Pines, Institute of Cancer Research

Using CRISPR-Cas9 to generate an APC8-NFAST cell line

Harry Moxom

Paul Pryor, University of York

The role of Mon1b in regulating lysosome biogenesis

Magdalena Smolkova

Stefan Marciniak, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research

The effect of polymerogenic Z α1-antitrypsin on the mobility of ERp18 chaperone

Nicole Acuti

Lovorka Stojic, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London

RNA-mediated regulation of cell division

Tristan Copping

Ian Gibbs-Seymour, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford

Decoding ubiquitin signalling at DNA replication-coupled lesions

Summer Studentships Funded 2020


Melinda Van Kerckvoorde

Pleasantine Mill, MRC HGU, University of Edinburgh

Exploring how the propensity of primary cilia to function as signalling organelles varies with the cell cycle

Maria Carreira

Elina Vladimirou, UCL, Cancer Institute

Investigating the role of PI3K signalling on microtubule and chromosome dynamics

Emily Edwards

Judy Coulson, University of Liverpool

Identifying DUB regulators of TEADs, the YAP/TAZ effectors in the Hippo signalling pathway

Anna Rooth

Harry Mellor, University of Bristol

The role of endothelial secretion in vascular disease

István Darabán

Alessio Vagnoni, King’s College London

Mitochondrial trafficking and function in ageing dorsal root ganglion neurons

Megan Ferguson

Luke Chamberlain, University of Strathclyde

Analysis of the mechanisms regulating intracellular targeting of the tumour suppressor Sprouty-2

Megan Hardy

Marisa Segal, University of Cambridge

Ras inhibition by a novel class of Ras-interacting proteins – a synthetic approach

Kathiravan Mohan

Tom Nightingale, QMUL

Motor control of regulated VWF secretion

Andrea Armero Mateu

Amanda Coutts, Nottingham Trent University

Regulation of p53 during autophagy in human cancer

David Lingard

Kathy Niakan, Francis Crick Institute

An interactive web resource of gene expression in the human pre-implantation embryo Identifying new regulators of mTORC1 signalling

Vivian Montesano

Yolanda Calle, University of Roehampton

Role of WIP in multiple myeloma (MM) migration and resistance to therapy

Anna Maria Zhivotikova

Joe Costello, University of Exeter

Hijacking of membrane contact sites by intracellular pathogens

Summer Studentships Funded 2019

Yangye Zhang Jeremy Green, Kings College London Analysis of cell adhesion and cytoskeletal proteins involved in vertical cell migration during ectodermal placode invagination
Yaiza Arranz Martínez Paul Pryor, University of York The role of Synaptogyrin-2 in regulating the insulin-responsive glucose transporter GLUT4
Rachel Finlay Sophie Acton, LMCB, University College London Identifying the role of macrophages in maintaining lymph node integrity
Liza Zhabina Simon Cook, Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge Characterising the Regulatory Mechanisms on ERK5 in Naïve and Primed ES cells
Ana Raffaelli Nathan W. Goehring, The Francis Crick Institute Exploring state changes in polarity protein PAR-2 via single particle tracking / modelling
Junliang Lin Mark R. Morgan, University of Liverpool Investigating the potential risks of therapies based on umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells
Samia Mohammed Anne Straube, University of Warwick Cooperation of molecular motors and passive crosslinkers
Karolina Jagielka Francisco Rivero, University of Hull Dissecting the role of the neuropeptide CGRP in regulating human lymphatic endothelial cell monolayer permeability and the cytoskeleton
Riya Vekaria Elisabeth Ehler, King’s College London Beta-Adrenergic Signalling and Intercalated Disc Composition
Adam Wells Martin W. Goldberg, Durham University Investigating nucleoporin Nup358 association with microtubules using multiple and correlative high-resolution microscopy techniques
Krystyna Sadzikowska Ewa Paluch, University of Cambridge Investigating the molecular control of cell shape changes in mouse embryonic stem cells exiting naive pluripotency
Jessicca Lines Carine De Marcos Lousa Expression of Human Clathrin Heavy chains in a Plant model T. Benthamiana


Summer Studentships Funded 2018

Sophie Alice Twigger Alistair Hume The role of actin nucleation and assembly proteins (ANAPs) in myosin-Va dependent organelle transport
Jeremie Subrini Kathy Niakan Engineering human embryonic stem cells to investigate the function of SMAD2 and SMAD3 signalling in pluripotency
Shawn Cottrill Sonia Rocha Role of KDM5 family members in the control of histone methylation in hypoxia
Rebecca Gilchrist Margaret R. Cunningham Investigating the cellular complexity of drug-induced cardiotoxicity by fingerprinting single cell mass spectral information using Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Juma Akhtar Ferran Valderrama Investigating the effect of zona-occludens-1 in the stability of tight junction in prostate acini, and how this can contribute to the metastasis of prostate cancer
Katie Sharrocks Mark Ashe An investigation into the coregulation of glycolysis at the level of mRNA localisation by various signalling pathways
Hansa Shree Chris Bakal Endogenous DNA damage due to mechanical stress
Nikhil Harsiani Frances Brodsky Investigating the unique properties of the non-canonical isoform of clathrin
Anantha Krishnan S S Margarete Heck Using Drosophila to investigate gender-specific differences in the essential, conserved invadolysin metalloprotease
Flora Ka Kei Cheng Jennifer Rohn The role of the host cell cytoskeleton in cytoplasmic invasion by uropathogenic bacteria
Harry Pink Helfrid Hochegger Investigating the precise localisation, and mode of action of the Eg5 motor protein during centrosome separation by super-resolution microscopy
Matthew Bagley Pier Paolo D’Avino Localisation and function of PP1 phosphatases during cytokinesis

Summer Studentships Funded 2017

Laura Hannett,University of Edinburgh Nancy Papalopulu, University of Manchester Absolute quantitative characterisation of transcription factor expression heterogeneity in breast cancer stem cells
Kenrick Dennis, Kings College London Anne Ridley, Kings College London Roles of PAK kinases in RhoH signalling
Evelyn Garlick, Durham University Martin Goldberg, Durham University Linking the cytoskeleton to the nuclear pore complex using super resolution light microscopy and correlative electron microscopy
Oğuz Kaan Yilmaz, University of Istanbul Jordan Raff, University of Oxford Dynamic investigation of centriole growth
Gabrielle Oxley, Durham University Mary Herbert, Newcastle University Harnessing the power of mitophagy to minimise the risk of transmitting mitochondrial DNA disease
Kate Murnane, University of York Paul Pryor, University of York The role of transcription factor SP6 in lysosome biogenesis
Laura Harrison, University of Bristol David Stephens, University of Bristol Imaging ER export of procollagen
Marius Cassidy, University of Manchester Michelle Peckham, University of Leeds Does Myo1e contribute to the metastatic phenotype of prostate cancer cells?
Frey Yann, University Paris Diderot (Paris VII) Julie Welburn, University of Edinburgh Mechanistic insights into MCAK regulation of microtubule length
Concepcion Garces Diaz, ETSIAM, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Stefan Marciniak, University of Cambridge Elucidate the role of the GTPBP2 protein in stress granule dynamics, focussing on their disassembly upon recovery form stress
Ruth Ketley, University of Oxford Justin Sturge, University of Hull Development of an Endo180 fusion reporter protein using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing in a model of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma to investigate how the hyperglycaemic microenvironment can enhance tumour progression
Alva Casey, Trinity College Dublin James Murray, Trinity College Dublin Involvement of autophagy machinery in microglial cell phagocytosis

Summer Studentships Funded 2016

Vadim Demichev, University of Sheffield Ewald Hettema, University of Sheffield Is the myosin adaptor function of Pex19 evolutionarily conserved?
James Vines, University of Sheffield Jason King, University of Sheffield Catch me if you can: does BAR8 drive chemotaxis in Dictyostelium cells
Miriam Scarpa, University of Glasgow Marisa Segal, University of Cambridge CDK-dependent control of differential spindle pole fate in spindle morphogenesis
Yasmin Samir, University of Manchester Mark Ashe, University of Manchester Investigating the impact of mRNA modifications on localised actively translated glycolytic mRNAs
Oliver Inge, Imperial College, London Chris Bakal, Institute of Cancer Research The role of ARHGAP22 in the acquisition of Vemurafenib resistance
Kaylee Worlock, University of Exeter Michael Deeks, University of Exeter Live-cell imaging and modelling of phytopathogen-targeted secretion pathways
Hayley Smith, Nottingham University Andrew Renault, Nottingham University Germ Cell GPS – Determination of the molecular mechanisms guiding germ cells to the gonad
Sarah Adekola, National University of Ireland, Galway Helen Dodson, National University of Ireland, Galway Analysis of H2AX redistribution after DNA Damage using live cell fluorescence microscopy
Anna Dighero, University of Edinburgh Masahiro Ono, Imperial College, London To reveal the dynamic mechanism of Treg differentiation through TCR and costimulation signals in the thymus
Sonia Rolo, Catholic University of Lyon Tobias Zech, University of Liverpool Microtubule dynamics in hereditary spastic paraplegia type 8

Summer Studentships Funded 2015

Christian Bates, University of Manchester Mark Ashe, University of Manchester
Callum Scotson, Aberystwyth University John Doonan, Aberystwyth University
Rebecca Burge, University of Manchester Catherine Lindon, University of Cambridge
Jessica Prince, Oxford University Jonathon Pines, University of Cambridge
Jessica Upson, Oxford Brookes University John Runions, Oxford Brookes University
Sophie Nock, University of Reading Steve Thomas, University of Birmingham
Hannah Taylor-Lewis, University of Cambridge Julie Welburn, University of Edinburgh
Daragh Elise Campbell, University of Glasgow William Earnshaw, University of Edinburgh
Charlotte Guffick, University of York Daniel Ungar, University of York
Rebecca Sharpe, University of Bristol Jon Lane, University of Bristol
Yasmin Malde, University of Sussex Helfrid Hochegger, University of Sussex