
CELLservice provides links to websites and brief items of information allied to the subject of cell and molecular biology


A direct link to our sister cell biology interpreted images site. CELLpics brings images from research level microscopy and imaging equipment to your computer screen. The images and video clips are interpreted through the use of interactive devices and can be used for teaching, learning, testing, gaining inspiration or just relaxing and enjoying being amazed. These images can be accessed at http://cellpics.cimr.cam.ac.uk


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    1. Links to portal and general websites
      A mine of links to biological information, courses, exam boards and institutions.
      An excellent easily navigated portal site for modern biology with a brief comment about each site. A good place to start!
      The American Society for Cell Biology is a big organisation and has a variety of resources and website sections. From their ‘home page’ browse especially their Images and Video Library and, (mainly for teachers), the CBE Life Sciences Education journal.


  1. More detailed information
    M4S is an outreach project that takes the hidden beauty of the microscopic world into the classroom. The website is a resource for children, teachers, parents and scientists to set up their own activities with microscopes. http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/microscopes4schools/
    Twice a year the Wellcome Trust produce a magazine and additional resources for teachers. Issue 13 dated January 2011 is devoted to ‘The Cell’. The magazine, chart and on-line resources are excellent and compliment the ‘softCELL’ and ‘CELLpics’ resources of the BSCB. www.wellcome.ac.uk/bigpicture/cell
    The Howard Hughes Institute laboratory: A really useful and interesting site. Always up-to-date and full of great features such as “Ask a Scientist”, “Becoming a Scientist” and the HHMI Holiday Lecture series, plus, about 2 to 3 times a week an excellent mini-report about research findings. www.hhmi.org
    Association for Science Education, the site of the professional association for science teachers in the UK: the second site brings factual information about science subjects. www.ase.org.uk
    British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB), the website of our sister organisation: www.bsdb.org
    (click on ‘education’ at the home page)
    Cancer biology: The world renowned Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory (CSHL) has e-learning pages on this topic at: www.insidecancer.org
    The following are also major sites with scientific information and info. for patients: www.cancerresearchuk.org
    The Centre of the Cell exhibition in London, UK opened in Spring 2008 and has a very helpful and easy to understand website. www.centreofthecell.org
    National Centre for Biotechnology Education (NCBE): A main centre for biotechnology resources, courses, kits and equipment for schools and teachers. Operates from University of Reading, UK and supplies world-wide www.ncbe.reading.ac.uk