Science Policy

BSCB Involvement in Science Policy

The BSCB has recently made a strategic decision to become more involved in science policy issues that affect our members. We will need your help to ensure that we have a say in the challenges to UK science that loom on the horizon due to Brexit, potential budget cuts and other pressure points.

Periodically, we will be asking for your input and feedback about ongoing policy initiatives – for example, calls for consultation from the parliamentary Science and Technology Committee.

Your valuable feedback will be collated by our Science Advocacy Officer,  Jenny Rohn, and sent off to our parent organisation, the Royal Society of Biology, to feed into their formal response. Naturally, you would also be free to send in your own individual submissions.

As part of our commitment to being more involved in science policy, we will also post occasional updates about issues that affect our membership as news items here. Equally, if there is any issue you feel that we should be engaging with, please do get in touch with Jenny for a chat.

If you’re interested in helping to shape science policy, please sign up to our policy interaction mailing list by contacting Darius Köster (email: