The goal of the BSCB is simple – to promote all aspects of cell biology in the UK. We try to achieve this goal in several ways. First, we organise and support cell biology meetings in the UK. Our Spring Meeting, which we hold jointly with the BSDB, is the largest annual cell and developmental biology meeting in the UK. It provides a great platform for cell biologists to present their work, to hear about the most exciting recent advances, and to network with colleagues. Second, we provide funds (up to £1000) for early-career scientists to attend cell-biology-related meetings around the world. Third, we help nurture the next generation of cell biologists by providing studentships for undergraduates to work in UK cell biology labs during the summer vacation. We have Postdoc and PhD student representatives on our committee so we can readily understand and respond to specific concerns. Our scope is not limited to undergraduates and above – we provide learning materials on our web site aimed at school students and teachers (our CellPics site attracts nearly 200,000 visitors every year) and we have sponsored school-oriented events such as “I’m a Scientist Get me out of here”. Finally, we actively support groups that campaign on issues of importance to our community, such as Science is Vital and Sense about Science.
We are a not-for-profit organisation. We have no paid employees: all our officers and committee members work for free. If you’re reading this, the chances are that the BSCB exists for you. Please join us and get involved in supporting your community. You can join the BSCB here.
Laura M. Machesky, FRSE FMedSci, BSCB president
BSCB Members benefits include:
- Eligibility to apply for the highly popular Honor Fell/COB Travel Bursaries. These awards offer up to £500 (UK meetings & for attending a BSCB Spring Meeting the full registration and accommodation costs will be funded); up to £700 for European meetings and up to £1000 for meetings in the rest of the world.
- Eligibility to apply for our new COB Support grants for PIs with limited funding for travel.
- Access to BSCB Summer Studentships. If you are a PI or group leader you are eligible to apply for an award to allow an undergraduate to work in your lab. This pays the student a stipend for up to 8 weeks.
- Access to Support for Small Meetings (PI’s, Postdocs and PhD students).
- Opportunity to nominate candidates for our prestigious Hooke and Women in Cell Biology Medals.
- Reduced registration rates at BSCB Meetings – again you can save your hard-earned grant money!
- The chance to enter our Image Competition and Science Writing Competition and win cash prizes and an opportunity to showcase your talents to a wider audience.
- Last but not least an annual glossy hard-copy magazine to keep you informed.