The BSCB fully appreciates the importance of engaging with the general public and schools to help increase understanding of cell biology and science in general. For this reason we decided to sponsor the creation of a Cell Zone on the I’m a Scientist: Get me out of here website. What is I’m a Scientist: Get me out of here? Well it’s like school science lessons (without the smells) meets the X-Factor! School students choose which scientist gets a prize of £500 to communicate their work. Scientists and students talk and they both break down barriers, have some fun and hopefully learn something in the process.
Take a look at the BSCB-Sponsored Cell Zone for all the questions and find out more about the competing scientists…
Alexis Barr, the postdoc rep on the BSCB committee took part in the cell zone when it ran last year. She didn’t win (sorry Alexis!) but you can find out about her experience in the latest BSCB Newsletter.
There’s also currently a cell-biology relevant Cancer Zone on the main I’m a Scientist Get me out of here website.