The BSCB is concerned about the additional pressures the current and ongoing COVID restrictions are placing on those with caring responsibilities. We are therefore pleased to announce a new initiative to provide financial support for those in this situation. We are offering two rounds of one-off grants of £200 to support the cost of extra childcare or additional carer support
We are now accepting applications to provide financial help to cover the costs of additional caring support for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our intention is to use these funds to try to mitigate the additional pressures placed on individuals with caring responsibilities and can be used to cover any additional costs incurred, for example to support extra childcare or carer support.
We are offering grants of £200, from a total fund of £5,000, with application deadlines every 2 weeks. Preference will be given to students, postdocs, early career PI’s, and those with extraordinary circumstances. Thereafter funding will be distributed on a first-come-first-served basis.
The initial application deadlines will be the 15th and 30th July, after which the scheme will be reassessed, depending on the remaining funding available.
Application details and conditions:
1: Applicants must have been a BSCB member for at least 12 months
2: Only one application per person
3: Up to £200 maximum award
4: Funding will be provided only for example for extra childcare, day school care, after school clubs, home help, nursing staff not for existing arrangements
5: Childcare costs will only be considered for children aged 0-12 years.
6: Funds will be transferred after receipts have been received
7: All requests will be approved by the BSCB travel awards secretariat after consultation with the BSCB committee. This is a new scheme, and we reserve the right to adapt the rules as necessary in order to most fairly distribute the funds.
How to apply:
1) Log in to the BSCB online application portal here (registration required: you will need your BSCB membership number and registered email address).
2) Download the full application form here, complete and save as a single pdf.
3) Complete your details in the online application portal and upload the full application form.