Science is Vital is a well-respected grassroots organisation composed of scientists and supporters of science and research in the UK. Formed in 2010 as a response to the previous government’s proposed cuts to science, the group remains a key advocate for increasing investment in science.
Funding for science and engineering in the UK is under serious threat, and we need your help in spreading the word about what we, the research community, can do about it.
As you are probably aware, grave concerns are growing about the current government’s funding policy. Back in 2010, SiV helped to fight off the threat of cuts and secure a flat-cash ring-fenced budget for science. However, George Osborne and BIS have now told the research councils to model cuts of 25 to 40%. If we are to influence key decisions being finalised for the November Comprehensive Spending Review, we urgently need to raise awareness of the damage that further cuts would inflict on UK science.
You can make a difference.
To be effective, we must show the government that scientists care about these issues enough to raise their voices. The more people know about the campaign and join in, the greater the chance that we can stave off damaging cuts to the research budget in the next spending review.
The campaign consists of a number of elements designed to synergise and maximise our influence
– A postcard campaign for supporters of science nationwide to tell George Osborne that science is vital. Supporters need only submit their postcard content online and we will do the rest – print and deliver to HM Treasury.
Postcards can be submitted at:
– A rally at Conway Hall in central London from 7-9 PM on 26 October, which will be live-streamed to similar gatherings across the UK. Confirmed guests so far include Jim Al-Khalili, Uta Frith FRS, Simon Singh, Lucie Green; Mark Miodownik, Helen Arney, James Wilsdon and Adam Rutherford.
Tickets are available here:
For local rallies and activity please see here:
posted 09/10/2015