We are delighted to launch a new BSCB award, The Raff Medal. The medal was developed to recognise BSCB PhD students who have made outstanding contributions to UK/Ireland cell biology. The medal was developed by our own BSCB PhD rep Joyce Yu and was unanimously approved in our autumn 2019 committee meeting.
Martin Raff was a major driving force in the development of the LMCB four-year PhD programme. Among a number of innovations, Martin championed the introduction of rotations that facilitated the integration of students from diverse scientific backgrounds into a molecular cell biology training programme. The four-year format has now been widely adopted elsewhere and offers some of the best graduate training opportunities in the UK. Martin has continued to lobby for the implementation of new approaches and the importance of outstanding graduate training, this award is a wonderful acknowledgement of his advocacy.
More detail about the medal and how to apply can be found here.